Thursday, December 11, 2008

Spinach/Palak Curry

To prepare Spinach/Palak Curry you need the below ingredients:
Spinach/Palak-1 bunch(or 1 cup).
Small White bean-4 tsp.
Garlic-2 cloves.
Chili powder-1/2 tsp.
Oil-2 tsp.

1.Soak the White bean over night (Or you can use ready cooked white bean).
2.Clean the spinach in water, chop them and keep aside.
3.In pan add oil, mashed garlic, white bean and stir for few minutes.
4.Add water and wait till the white bean is three-fourth cooked.
5.Add spinach, chili powder and salt.
6.Cook for 3-4 minutes. Now, ready to serve.

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